"7.12 [Mandelbrot set] Write a module Mandelbrot that displays the Mandelbrot set M. M is composed of the points c of the complex plane for which zi remains bounded as i tends to infinity, where the values zi are computed according to
z0 = 0, zi = (zi-1)2 + c, i = 1, 2,...
Select a square of N by N pixels in the XYplane viewer. Map the raster defined by the pixels onto an area of the complex plane.[...]"
Wirth, N. (1992). Programming in Oberon. Chatham: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
While teaching myself the (sadly) now-defunct operating system and programming language Oberon, this one exercise from that book has gone on to drive me to learn more about computer science than anything else. Allow me to discuss different problems addressed during the development of a much, much more expansive solution to this problem, and other tasks on which I've worked.
Change Log
06 February 2019: 605.204 - Computer Organization, Assignment 1 page
Assignment 1 completed
02 February 2019: 605.204 - Computer Organization page created
New subpage to put assignments from this class
29 November 2018: Grammar To Software page created
New subpage describing going from a grammar to finished software
27 August 2018: Completed entirely dynamic version of this page
Added new subpage describing the design and implementation of this page
06 August 2018: Added initial content to Fractal Grapher
Added initial content to Color Chooser
01 August 2018: Version 1 of this blog